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Hero watchman saves 5 years old child from falling down from his 15th floor apartment

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Nepalese watchman Muhammad Rahmatullah was supervising maintenance workers when one of them saw a boy clutching at the edge of a window on the 13th floor of a high-rise in Sharjah.

"Right at that moment, I knew it was a matter of life and death and a minute can make a difference," the 43-year-old Rahmatullah told Khaleej Times on Thursday, narrating how they called the police and asked for everyone's help to save the child.

Investigations revealed that the five-year-old Syrian boy was sleeping when his mother stepped out to buy him breakfast from the grocery store at the building's ground floor. The boy suddenly woke up and as he started looking for his mother — he thought he could go out through the window.

He then climbed out and got stuck. When residents and workers spotted him, he was already dangling from the window, standing on his toes on the edge.

While the police were on their way, tenants and workers started piling up blankets and bedsheets to create a cushion that can possibly protect the boy in case he falls.

Thinking on their feet, Rahmatullah, an Egyptian tenant and a worker rushed to the apartment.

"I called the boy's father and took his permission for us to break the door open. We managed to enter the flat and pull the boy back inside," said the watchman, a father of two.

“I decided to act quickly because it’s my responsibility to ensure the safety of the building's tenants. I also responded as a father — and that boy could have been my son."

Rahmatullah and the tenant, Adel Abdul Hafeez, were honoured by the police on Thursday.


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