A recent study has revealed that using the Internet can have a positive impact on mental health and happiness, especially for people of a specific age group.
The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Hong Kong, included 87,000 people from 23 countries, aged 50 and over.
The research team divided the participants into 4 groups according to their Internet use:
those who never used it,
those who used it less than once a week,
those who used it weekly,
those who used it daily.
The results showed that increased Internet use was associated with a significant improvement in the participants' mental and physical health, with reports of higher levels of life satisfaction. The research team said that older adults who use the Internet regularly "enjoy higher levels of life satisfaction and are less likely to suffer from depression than those who do not use it."
The team found that people aged 65 and over reported the greatest benefit from using the Internet, in addition to those with low levels of physical activity or low income.
The study explained that the Internet provides older people with the opportunity to enhance social interaction and reduce feelings of loneliness, in addition to accessing information and services that may support their emotional and physical health. The Internet may also contribute to improving social communication and entertainment, which enhances their overall mental health.
Despite these benefits, the researchers warned that excessive use of the Internet can be a "double-edged sword", as it may lead to negative effects such as reducing physical activity or affecting the quality of sleep and social communication in real life. They also indicated that regular use of the Internet may expose individuals to risks such as electronic fraud or misleading information.
On the other hand, a previous study from New York University showed that people who use the Internet regularly "have a lower risk of developing dementia compared to those who do not use it."
*Happynass Editor* - Final Thoughts
In all aspects of our lives, especially after a certain age, moderation is crucial. Using the internet moderately can boost happiness and enhance mental activities, which are especially important at that age. Too much online can lead to loneliness, anxiety, and depression. It is possible to maintain this balance by setting specific time limits for internet use. Taking part in offline activities such as exercise, hobbies, and social interactions has also been proven to provide valuable mental health benefits.
Source: Daily Mail - https://ar.rt.com/yqnv Published 20-11-2024