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📺 News: Old-fashioned way of robbing a bank, failed!


News occurred on March -2021 - A man has tried to rob a bank by handing the staff counter a paper where he wrote his demand which couldn't be understood due to his bad handwriting.

In the details of the story, Alan Slattery, a resident of St Leonards in Hastings, entered a bank in Eastbourne on March 18, However, as he went up to an employee and handed him a threatening note, the employee couldn't understand his handwriting, thus he panicked and did nothing! Mr Slattery had no option but to return empty-handed.

The staff at the Nationwide Building Society later managed to understand what the 67-year-old had scribbled, and contacted the police regarding the same. The note, which was seized by the police read, “Your screen won't stop what I've got, just hand over the 10s and the 20s. Think about the other customers”. A CCTV footage from inside the bank was also reviewed by the police which support the staff statement.

Mr Slattery didn't stop there: he targeted another branch of the bank on March 26. his note seems to work and the cashier handed over £2,400 in cash and Slattery, left with the money.

This time the CCTV from the bank showed a person that matched Mr Slattery's appearance, while he was also captured boarding a bus just moments after the robbery.

Mr Slattery continued targeting a third bank, the NatWest ban, But he failed like his first attempt due to another reason because of the cashier standing up to him.

The man has been arrested on suspicion of robbery as well as two counts of attempted robbery.

Source credit : Ndtv @


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