An official American document revealed new dangerous information about unidentified flying objects, which many police officers have encountered, warning of the dangers of this and how to deal with the situation when it occurs.
The 11-page document warned that unidentified flying objects "pose significant security risks to law enforcement air support units", and urged teams to be vigilant while in helicopters. The document, issued by the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), which includes about 80 executives in the American police, also sheds light on the stories of officers who claimed to have encountered mysterious objects, according to the Daily Mail.
The document includes details from US investigations into UFOs, as well as testimonies from whistleblowers, along with other articles about the US government and its possible connection to extraterrestrial life, with links to various websites for reporting paranormal incidents and strange sightings.
Most interestingly, the pages of the document tell personal stories from police officers who encountered UFOs while on duty.
Among the testimonies, an officer who was on patrol in Blairsville, Georgia, in November 2023 claimed to have seen green lights in the sky, saying: “I am a police officer and deputy sheriff. While on duty after dark, near the top of my windshield, I saw movement in the sky.”
He added: “After focusing my attention, I was able to see a triangular-shaped vehicle, with 3 faint green lights on each side that were bright enough to assess size, shape and movement.”
The officer noted that he quickly lost the vehicle due to the trees, and was unable to hear anything because he was inside his car: “I’m familiar with helicopters and planes in the sky, and I work frequently with air medical crews in the area, and I know where the nearby airports are, which makes me somewhat familiar with the area. This was unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed before.” An hour after the sighting, the officer responded to a call from a homeowner in the same direction the object was traveling, who reported “something strange running outside his house… that did not appear to be an animal.”
Another encounter occurred in Harper Woods, Michigan, in 2020, where two officers witnessed three mysterious objects in the sky, before they disappeared from view.
The officer wrote in his affidavit: “At approximately 6:00 a.m., another officer and I were standing in the church parking lot talking before the end of our shift. I was looking southwest toward the moon, and I saw three objects drifting east, maintaining an equal distance. As we watched them, they disappeared from our view.”
Other reports in the document speak of civilian sightings of US police helicopters allegedly chasing unidentified flying objects.
“As I walked out the front door, I saw a Triangle Craft with white lights on every corner, closely followed by a police helicopter heading south, near Highway 620,” said one civilian from Austin, Texas.
Another incident occurred in the Canadian city of Winnipeg, where a civilian reported seeing a police helicopter being chased by an unidentified aircraft: “As I was sitting in my backyard hot tub, I heard the familiar sound of a police helicopter passing over the city. After passing over our house, it circled several times to the south of our location and after a few course adjustments, headed north at a higher speed. About 10 seconds later, two lights of the same relative brightness appeared in parallel and at a constant speed.”
Source: Daily Mail - https://ar.rt.com/y9f9