Many people believe that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. Moreover, the first glass should be with lemon to stimulate the metabolism. Is this true?
Doctors point out that starting the metabolism is an independent process and does not require stimulation, but drinking an extra glass of water is not harmful at all, and is even necessary for the body.
As for the standard for the amount of water that a person should drink per day, there is no standard for fluid intake, which may differ for the same person from day to day, so you should focus on the feeling of thirst or the color of urine, which should not be dark.
Another myth is that you should not drink water while eating. In fact, this is not true because you can drink water while eating if there are no medical contraindications, such as acid reflux or indigestion. That is, you can drink water as long as it is comfortable for you and does not interfere with your digestion.
Another mistake is to insist on eating soup to prevent ulcers or gastritis.
But we must know that eating soup does not prevent gastritis or ulcers. Dry foods do not cause them either. So if a person does not like soup, there is no need to force him to eat it.
Simply enjoy your meal—no need to fret over whether you drink with it or not. 🥛
Source: mail.ru - https://ar.rt.com/yu6s Published on 4-12-2024